The TMJ or temporo-mandibular joint is the complicated joint that is the translation point between your lower jaw and your upper jaw. Problems with this joint can be due to a variety of issues but are collectively known as TMD or temporo-mandibular joint disorder. Pain in this joint can be due to a number of issues but a leading cause of pain and discomfort is due to clenching and grinding which is a habit that may be occurring in the day or during sleep.
Nighttime and daytime clenching can be the leading cause behind migraines, tension headaches and other head and neck pain. It affects a large portion of the population although there are varying levels of intensity with this disorder. Many people are unwitting daytime or nighttime clenchers/grinders, an uncontrollable habit collectively known as bruxism. If left untreated the habit tends to lead to cracked, broken and prematurely worn down teeth.
The best way to prevent dental problems associated with bruxism is to wear a nightguard, a custom fitted plastic device that typically sits on your upper teeth and helps alleviate both the pain and damage associated with bruxism. At Cascadia Dentistry we offer two types of nightguards depending on your symptoms, a regular occlusal guard as well as a device known as a NTI. The NTI is a device that has been proven to help with head and neck pain and is a great modality for patients suffering from chronic pain. Additional treatments such as medication and physical therapy are also available depending on your diagnosis and history.
Contact Cascadia Dentistry today to schedule a visit and exam regarding your chronic pain and repeated dental damage (360) 629-7229.